Lucie Thibault


T : +33 (0)1 83 75 41 41


Lucie has been a member of the Paris Bar since 2020. She joined Ebl Lexington in 2019 in the Litigation and Compliance departments.

She provides advice to, and assists and represents, French and foreign clients in litigation proceedings before commercial, civil and criminal courts. As such, Lucie intervenes in various sectors, primarily in contract law, commercial law, GDPR compliance and criminal business law.

Lucie graduated from the Master 2 International Business Law program at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, and from the LL.M program at the University of Berkeley, California (Berkeley School of Law, USA).

Before joining Ebl Lexington, Lucie completed several internships in law firms, the Courts and a legal clinic.

Languages: French, English.

  • Associations and engagements: Skills-based sponsoring for the ENTREPRENDRE POUR APPRENDRE network